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Blog post on the panel discussion "Coming out in professional soccer"

The panel discussion on coming out in professional soccer took place on June 12, 2024 as a cooperation between GeStiK and the German Sport University Cologne. Dr. Dirk Schulz (GeStiK), Dr. Birgit Braumüller (DSHS), Tobias Thomas (FU24BA7L), Marcus Urban (Diversero), Henni Hübel (Kölner Fanprojekt) and Christian Rudolph (Kompetenz- und Anlaufstelle für sexuelle und geschlechtliche Vielfalt) discussed the advantages and risks of coming out and which structures influence this in a positive and negative way under the moderation of Lena Sieberg. The article for the blog interdisziplinäre geschlechterforschung, which summarizes the debate, can be found here.


Course catalog winter semester 2024/25

The course catalog for the winter semester 2024/25 of the Gender Studies Certificate is available.

All courses that can be taken as part of the certificate can be viewed here.

Further information on the certificate can be found here.

Panel discussion on "coming out" in professional soccer on June 12, 2024

[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Graphic: Rebecca Jacobs Photo:

The German Sport University Cologne and GeStiK cordially invite you to a panel discussion on "Coming Out" in professional soccer. The event will take place on June 12, 2024 from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm in Lecture Hall 2 (Lecture Hall Building) at the German Sport University Cologne.