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Members of the Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. hc. Corinna Bath

Head of the Coordination and Research Center of the NRW Women's and Gender Studies Network

Prof. Dr. Julia Bee

Professor of Gender Media Studies with a special focus on diversity
Institute for Media Studies
Ruhr University Bochum

Dr. phil. Denise Bergold-Caldwell

Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck

Prof. Dr. Nina Degele

Professor of Sociology and Empirical Gender Studies
Institute of Sociology
University of Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Hannelore Faulstich-Wieland (retired)

Professor in the Department of General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education
Faculty of Education
University of Hamburg (emeritus)

Prof. Dr. Andrea Geier

Professor of Modern German Literature and Gender Studies
Department of German Studies
University of Trier

Assistant Professor Dr. Sabine Grenz

Associate Professor for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Institute for Educational Sciences
University of Vienna

Prof. Dr. Bettina Kleiner

Head of the Department of Gender Studies and Qualitative Methods
Institute for General Educational Sciences
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Mike Laufenberg

Research assistant
Institute of Sociology
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Prof. Dr. Diana Lengersdorf

Professor of Gender Sociology
Faculty of Sociology
Bielefeld University

Prof. Dr. Martin Lücke

Professor of History Didactics
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Freie Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr. phil. Mona Massumi

Professor of Vocational Education
Institute for Vocational Teacher Training
Münster University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Michael Meuser (retired)

Professor of Sociology of Gender Relations
Institute of Sociology
Dortmund University of Technology (emeritus)

Prof. Dr. phil. Karen Nolte

Head of the Institute for History and Ethics in Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Heidelberg University

Prof. Dr. Julie A. Panagiotopoulou

Professor of Educational Science with a focus on education and development in early childhood
Department of Educational and Social Sciences
University of Cologne

Prof. Dr. Tanja Paulitz

Professor of Sociology of Culture and Knowledge
Institute of Sociology
Darmstadt University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Ralph Poole

Professor of American Literature and Cultural Studies
Faculty of English and American Studies
University of Salzburg

Dr. Robin K. Saalfeld

Research assistant in the Department of Qualitative Methods and Microsociology
Institute of Sociology
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Prof. Dr. Utan Schirmer

Professor of Sociology
Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Dr. habil Sigrid Schmitz

Head of the Gendering MINT team
Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dr. Nina Steinweg

Research Associate at the Competence Center Women in Science and Research
GESIS - Leibnitz Institute for the Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Olaf Stieglitz

Professorship for American Cultural History
Humanities Center
Leipzig University

PD Dr. Berit Völzmann

Research assistant at the Chair of Public Law and Comparative Law
Institute for Public Law
Goethe University Frankfurt

Prof. Dr. Anne Waldschmidt

Professor of Sociology and Politics of Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
Department of Special Needs Education
University of Cologne

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wächter

Professor of British Cultural Studies
Institute of English and American Studies
Dresden University of Technology