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Dr. Dirk Schulz

Management and Public Relations

Room: 0B 03 (entrance Aachener Str. 217)
Address: Richard-Strauss-Str. 2, 50931 Cologne
Phone: 0221/470-4275
Fax: 0221/470-1275

Consultation hours: by appointment / registration at

Academic degrees

  • 2008 Doctorate in English Philology at the University of Cologne
  • Master's degree in English, German and Philosophy at the University of Cologne


Professional and teaching activities

  • Since 09/2012 Managing Director and lecturer at GeStiK
  • 09/2011 - 09/2012 Research assistant in the conceptualization and foundation of GeStiK, University of Cologne, methods of educational and social research with special consideration of gender research / sociology
  • since 09/2008 Research assistant at the University of Cologne, English Department
  • Redesign of the website and conceptualization of the issues of gender forum. An Internet Journal for Gender Studies
  • Revision and html-editing of articles for gender forum
  • Translation of German articles/contributions
  • 02/2001-03/2008 Research assistant at the University of Cologne, English Department
  • Activities including independent research; lectures in Germany and abroad; participation in conferences; scientific publications; teaching and imparting subject-specific and theoretical content and issues as well as basic techniques of scientific work; supervision and correction of term papers, presentations, intermediate examinations; responsible for internet presence; communication, updating and evaluation of the Gender Inn database as well as editorial work on the online journal gender forum. An Internet-Journal for Gender Studies
  • 01/2001-02/2001 Student assistant at the University of Cologne, English Department
  • Management; advising students; data management; coordination
  • 01/1997-07/2000 Student assistant at the University of Cologne, Language Laboratory
  • Advising students, mainly from various exchange programs; supervising language courses; creating a database; ordering and archiving language course materials; room allocation; coordination

Further activities

  • Since2019: Editorial board member of the Open Gender Journal(
  • Since2018: Spokesperson for the Conference of Institutions for Women's and Gender Studies in German-speaking Countries (KEG)
  • Since 2008: Additional teaching assignments for seminars and exercises on feminist/gender theories
  • 05/2007-03/2008 Representative of the Mittelbau in the Equal Opportunities Commission of the University of Cologne
  • 2007-2008 Participation in the conception and planning of Klang Körper. Festival for Contemporary Music and Gender as well as the conference Dichotonies. Gender and Music
  • since 2006 Participation in the gender network of the University of Cologne; conceptual collaboration in the establishment of the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Cologne

Main research areas

  • Gender/Queer Studies
  • Anglophone literary and cultural studies
  • Poststructuralist/critical theories
  • Semiotics/Semiology
  • Popular/Celebrity Culture

Selection of publications

  • 2020a: mit Judith Butler, Contesting the Claims of the Anti-Gender Ideology Movements. In: blog interdisziplinäre geschlechterforschung, 18.12.2020,, DOI:
  • 2020b: Niedentisch. Fluchtbewegungen, Annäherungen, Festschreibungen. In: Karolin Kalmbach, Elke Kleinau und Susanne Völker (Hg.), Eribon revisited – Perspektiven der Gender und Queer Studies. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 87-103.
  • 2020c: “Truth Be Told, Science Be Bold. The Growing Fear of ‘Queer’”. In Gender Forum: Everything is Queer. The Relevance of Queer Studies Today. Issue 78, p3-23.
  • 2016: Fact and Fiction, Insistence and Resistance: Germany's Struggle with Queer Interventions. In: Kārlis Vērdiņš and Jānis Ozoliņš (Hg.), Queer Stories of Europe. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, S. 50-64.
  • 2014: Wirkliche oder willkürliche Wirklichkeit? Die Geschlechterfrage zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Ideologie. In: POLIS 1/2014. Report der deutschen Vereinigung. Baden Soden: Wochenschauverlag.
  • 2013a: Queer und Heute. Von der De- zur Rekonstruktion. In: Elke Kleinau, Ders. und Susanne Völker (Hg.): Gender in Bewegung. Aktuelle Spannungsfelder der Gender und Queer Studies. Bielefeld: transcript, S. 345-359.
  • 2013b: mit Elke Kleinau und Susanne Völker (Hg.), Gender in Bewegung. Aktuelle Spannungsfelder der Gender und Queer Studies. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • 2012: Überleben & Überschreiten vs. Überlesen & Überschreiben. Die heteronormative Ordnung des queeren Diskurses. In: Textpraxis. Digitales Journal für Philologie 02/2012.
  • 2011: Setting the Record Queer. Rethinking Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • 2011: Zeit-Er-Zeugnisse. (Rezension über Andrea Ochsner: Lad Trouble. Masculinity and Identity in the British Male Confessional Novel of the 1990s. Bielefeld: transcript 2009) In: IASLonline [25.02.2011] URL: (Datum des Zugriffs: 18.07.2011)
  • 2010:">gender forum An Internet Journal for Gender Studies URL:
  • 2009:"Dancing to the Jailhouse Rock: The Pop Prison." In: Dichotonies. Gender and Music. Beate Neumeier (ed.) Heidelberg. Universitätsverlag Winter. 267-284. 
  • 2009: Grenzen einer Grenzziehung. (Rezension über Isabell Karremann: Männlichkeit und Körper. Inszenierungen eines gesschlechtsspezifischen Unbehagens im englischen Roman des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer 2008): In: IASLonline [26.04.2009] URL: (Datum des Zugriffs: 27.04.2009)
  • 2005: "Ellen Degenarrated. Breaking the Heteronormative Narrative Contract". In: Narrative Strategies in Television Series. Gaby Allrath and Marion Gymnich (eds.) Houndsmill, Basingstoke etc.: Palgrave Macmillan
  • 2002: "Where Do We Go From Queer? The Question of Naturalness and Normality in Contemporary Literature, Film and the Media" In: gender forum. An Internet Journal for Gender Studies. URL: