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UoC IMPACT – University of Cologne IMPlementing Gender AspeCTs in Research

With the founding of GeStiK (the Academic Center for Gender Studies in Cologne) in 2012, important processes for the interdisciplinary implementation of gender perspectives have been initiated, particularly with regard to studying and teaching as well as knowledge transfer. However, the university-wide and structural integration of intersectional gender perspectives in research has so far been a desideratum at the University of Cologne.

As part of the BMBF funding guideline Gender Aspects at a Glance, the Chancengerechtigkeit (ChanGe) department and GeStiK have developed structural measures for the systematic integration of the gender dimension into academic work at the University of Cologne.

Excellent research requires a gender-sensitive approach. The project "UoC IMPACT - University of Cologne IMPlementing Gender ASpeCTs in Research" focuses on establishing formats of mutual knowledge transfer with selected departments at the University of Cologne, in which the social and scientific needs and possibilities of integrating gender as an intersectional analysis perspective in research processes can be discussed. On the other hand, structures and processes are to be established and expanded that provide concrete incentives and enable more extensive networking, advice and knowledge transfer for researchers.

The UoC IMPACT project has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since April 1, 2024 until March 31, 2029 under the funding code 01FP23G06.